Malay movies is always a no way to me.You knowlah all the dramas yang melebih-lebih.But most of my friends find this movie very very interesting
So,i thought why dont i give this movie a try.
So yeah.Yesterday,we(Abby and me) went to One Utama to watch this movie lah.OMG!!I tell you.It was so crowded.You cant blame the crowd.They pun nak jalan jugak.But alang-alang dah sampai queue je lah.We queued about 40 minutes(u know,you can actually bake a cake in this period of time).We bought the tickets.FINALLY!!!
Before the movie started at 1640 hrs,we went for lunch at this restaurant called The Garden.The food was not that bad but sedap lagi kedai mamak..I ate pineapple fried rice with ice lemon tea.Gossip-gossip with Abby kejap then we straight to the cinema.
You guys should watch this movie.Its a very nice and touching movie.I'll give 9 out of 10.
I actually cried in the cinema.Abby tahan nak cry because she was afraid that it will ruin her make up.Diva lah sangat...I sat next to an adorable family.The mom carried a baby while her daughter'a cute little girl'sat next to me.The movie was sooo funny.I laughed too loud.I think the whole cinema can actually hear me.But actually it was not only me !!What to do :)I was just enjoying myself.
You guys should watch this movie.Its a very nice and touching movie.I'll give 9 out of 10.
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