Saturday, January 31, 2009

Poor soul

I got an e-mail from fren about Marina Mahathirs blog. Apparently, they're doing a campaign for the children in Gaza. They're helping those poor, poor souls by sending in positive paintings! Just to show them that on the other side of the world, people care, and people are trying to show they're support for those poor poor souls, just to not make them feel alone and InsyaAllah, they'll feel OK :) SO! For further info, please, don't hesitate to visit her site by clicking this : Marina Mahathir
The basic idea is to get Malaysian children to write letters/cards/postcards or make drawings for the children of Gaza to show their support, provide encouragement and let them know that they have friends here who are thinking of them and praying for their safety. - adaptedTo those artistic people, tolong lah hantar. Tak salah buat budak kecik senyum, kan? Just to make them feel at least a bit better about life :) Semoga Dirahmati Allah, amin. May Allah SWT Bless You people.

Thursday, January 29, 2009

Al Fatihah

Sempena malam jumaat nie mama sedekah surah yassin khas untuk papa tercinta.
Dah 5 tahun dah.....tapi rasa baru semalam papa pergi.Insyaallah mama akan mendidik anak-anak kita ke jalan yang diredhai oleh allah pa....
*Ya allah berikan aku taufiq dan hidayah mu agar kehidupan ku di dunia diberkati oleh mu.Amin.*
Diriwayatkan daripada Abu Hurairah r.a, sesungguhnya Rasulullah s.a.w bersabda di dalam Hadis Qudsi: Allah s.w.t berfirman:
"Tidak ada balasan kecuali syurga bagi hambaku yang beriman yang telah Aku ambil kembali kekasihnya (Aku mematikan seseorang yang disayanginya seperti anak, adik-beradik dan sesiapa sahaja yang di sayangi oleh seseorang) dari kalangan penghuni dunia dan dia hanya mengharapkan pahala daripadaKu (dengan bersabar). " (Hadis riwayat Imam Bukhari).
Kesimpulan Hadis:
1- Tabah dan sabar menghadapi musibah adalah merupakan tanda-tanda kesempurnaan iman manakala keluh-kesah dan bimbang adalah merupakan tanda-tanda kelemahan iman.
2- Keagungan ganjaran tabah menghadapi musibah.

Chinese New Year

Miss,miss,miss.... I miss mama & papa a lot a lot a lot.... I miss mamas steamboat yummy yummy its so delicious.Anw cny eve dah wished mama & papa. Esther pun balik Sp .Good news Victor with his new born baby boy.CONGRATULATION.
Coming March Esther will organising family gathering in Penang.So i have to reserve my leave for this occasion.Papa will bank in ang pau money for the kids...hehehe syoknya.
I Love u mama & I love u so much papa.

Wednesday, January 28, 2009

My beloved sis

Actually i dunno wat happened to both of them kekadang ok kekadang dak.Anw depa abaq slagi blum kahwin......slagi tulah.... dis problem slalu je datang..... pasal bf lah apa lg.X taulah apa nak jadi bf depa nie draged terlalu lama sangat just to say kata -kata keramat yang depa nie dok

tungguuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu "Will u marry me?"


Aduhai ...malunya ngan my girl.Nana. I was so excited nak abaq kat dia pasal my own blog.So ngan harapan she will be proud of me. Tapi....guess wat she said ".alahhhhh kekawan nana kat skolah most of them dah ada blog cendiri"Sigh.Maluuuuunyaaaaa....

So here i m konon2nya nk wat blog cendiri.

Hai.... blogs here i m.